What exactly is ecological farming and the “Bioland” standard?
Up till the year 2004, our farm was a typical alpine farm in every sense: we had 8-9 milk cows in our stables (constructed in 1928) and sold our milk to the local dairy. We kept some of the female calves to ourself for further breeding and sold the rest to the cattle dealer. Most of our profit was made from sideline activities at that time.
Once we had decided, that there had to be a more fulfilling way of running our farm, we started to look for alternatives. To us it was important to focus on sustainable and fair production of healthy food. The wellbeing of our animals was a key factor to us. We found our new way in the concept of mother cow farming. With the help of the organization “Bioland”, we restructured our entire production as the construction of our new stables took place and began to market our products directly to the consumers. Since 2006 our farm is an officially certified “Bioland”-farm. Our farm was the first farm in San Candido to receive this status and thereby the first farm in San Candido to produce entirely according to the strict rules of ecological farming with regular controls by the organization.
In the years 2010-2013, we started selling our meat in the weekly farmers market in Brunico. Since that time, we sell all our products directly through our farmstead shop. We continuously sought to widen our product range, which led to the range we can proudly offer you today. Apart from meat, we now also sell Jam, Syrup, flavoured salts, liquor and wellness products like our hay pillows and handmade soap.